Two brushed aluminum stickers for a eye wear store

Mukautettu Harjattu alumiinitarra

5 yhteensä 71 arvostelut

Mene metalliseksi tämän alkuaineen materiaalin kanssa.

Harjattu alumiini puhuu puolestaan. Puhdas alumiinipohjainen materiaali, joka on luotu ottamaan vastaan ​​hienosti harjatun metallipinnoitteen ulkonäkö. Kevyt mutta metallinen luonteeltaan, tämä materiaali mahdollistaa metallinäköisten tarran eri värien luomisen.

Yellow cheese icon

Mikä tahansa muoto

Leikattu muotoosi

Yellow cheese icon with black outline


Täysin muokattavissa

Yellow cheese icon with black outline

Täysi värin peitto

Muokattavissa kaikilla väreillä

Tee harjattu alumiiniset tarroja

Valitse viimeistelymateriaalisi editorissamme. Vaaleanpunainen muste ja näkymätön muste ovat saatavilla pyynnöstä.







Inspiraatiota ja luovuutta.

Tutustu näihin rock-henkisiin metallitarrakuviin, jotka on luonut muutamia StickerAppia rakastavia taiteilijoita, ja anna niiden inspiroida sinua.

  1. A brushed aluminum sticker of a cartoon character holding a phone

    Harjattu kuviointi @rocioo.vaz

  2. A sardine can labeled "My Feelings" with the tagline "Store in a cool dry place," featuring a fish illustration.

    Harjattu kuvioint @halseyberryman

  3. A person holding a brushed aluminum skull sticker in their hand

    Harjattu kuviointi @highnottiredstuff

  4. A hand holding a brushed aluminum rainbow colored sticker

    Harjattu kuviointi StickerApp

Weight a minute...?

Se voi olla metallia, mutta tämä ei ole raskasta... Harjattu alumiini on tapamme tuoda kevyt metallinen ilme ja tunne tarrojen suunnitteluun. Tämä materiaali luo virtaviivaisen ilmeen, joka ei vain näytä vahvalta ja kestävältä, vaan on sitä myös!

Rock on

Harjattu alumiinimateriaali ei tarkoita, että tarra voi olla vain hopean tai kullan värinen. Valitse mikä tahansa väri, joka antaa tälle harjatulle metalliselle ilmeelle. Valitse harjattu alumiini koko tarraan tai kerro meille, mille osille haluat sen. Me teemme raskaan nostamisen.

A group of three brushed aluminum stickers on top of a white surface

Brändit, jotka rakastavat StickerApp

  1. "We have been using StickerApp for a few years and have been happy customers ever since. Their service and products are easy to use, fast, and of high quality."

  2. "StickerApp is a perfect match for us with all the different materials, short lead times, efficient customer support and the fact that we can control cutlines directly in our original file etc. We both print stickers that we sell on our site as merch as well as beer labels for for some of our small batch exclusive beers."

  3. "Being an animator, there's nothing more important than being able to produce products of my characters that people are able to take home. It increases the love between the viewer and the art. StickerApp has helped me do exactly that with high-quality, creative, and colorful stickers that re-imagine how my 2D cartoon characters interact with this 3D world."

  4. "The outstanding quality and extensive range of materials and printing techniques offered by StickerApp are both inspiring and enjoyable. The website is user-friendly, making it effortless to create and order stickers."

  5. "StickerApp has been our GO-TO for 3+ years! We are a monthly sticker subscription and order thousands of stickers monthly. After testing 20+ different print shops, we found StickerApp to be hands down the best quality stickers, amazing customer support and very fast shipping times worldwide. Happy to have StickerApp as our official producer of Sticker Savages stickers!"

    Sticker Savages
  6. "We've appreciated using StickerApp for its easy to use design tools, speed, and quality of service. Anytime we've had a question or need to make an adjustment, StickerApp has had great customer service to back up their products."

    Bedrocks Sandals
  7. "We have been using sticker app for a couple years to create fun extras for our packages. Our customers LOVE receiving our sticker and have started collaging them on their water bottles and computers! It’s an extra fun perk to opening an order from us."

    Beckie With The Good Stuff
  8. "We have been using sticker app for over a year now and have had nothing but a great experience! The customization process through their website is super user friendly. They provide a variety of stickers to meet all of our business needs! Our stickers always arrive on-time and the quality always meets our expectations!"

    Fieldcraft Survival
  9. Crooked moon brewing logo

    StickerApp consistently offers outstanding service and product quality while creating unique products, even if it means taking risks. They provide comprehensive solutions, including labels, stickers, and graphic consulting. This is why we, Daniel Torisson and Jacob Pedersen, founders of Crooked Moon Brewing, collaborate with StickerApp.

    Crooked Moon Brewing

Hyödyllisiä tietoja Harjattu metalliseos tuotteesta

  • Täysi CMYK-väripainatus + valkoinen

  • Brushed Alloy Premium -metallisoidut PET- pysyvät liimat

  • 2-4 vuoden ulkokäyttö elinikä vain kiiltävällä laminaatilla

  • PVC-vapaa tuote

  • Erinomainen kangas eloisille CMYK-väreille

  • Saatavana tarroina

Sinulle ei veloiteta painettua väriä kohden

Tee suunnittelu niin monella värillä ja efektillä kuin haluat, maksat aina saman hinnan

Custom brushed aluminum sticker